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With the rise of the wearables, new opportunities are emerging for marketers. Like marketing on mobile applications, companies must be careful with the patience of their customers. If executed flawlessly, wearables and mobile applications can be used jointly for all marketing purposes. However, users will still demand a seamless integration between all devices and platforms, and do not wish to be disturbed through over-messaging. At Rainmaker Labs, a venture capital-backed mobile app developer and custom mobility platform provider based in Singapore, our dedicated designers and engineers have been focusing on app development for wearables since their first release. For companies who consider adding smartwatch applications to their portfolio, we have come up with five important aspects of the wearables that all marketers must bear in mind:

1. Optimize the use of push notifications:

One of the most important features of every wearable is the ability to display messages and notifications. The ease of use of apps is improved by allowing users to give a notification a quick read or respond if needed. If utilized properly, the mobility of applications can be optimized. However, the cross-device integration must be perfect. Mobile marketers must be careful that notifications aren’t being time-sensitive or annoying for users in any way. Yet, if executed correctly, the wearable is a powerful tool to increase the value for your users.

2. Make your interaction location-based:

The wearable can contribute massively in the fields of direct marketing and mobility. Therefore, the location of the user is of great importance. If your app can track where your user is at a certain time, you can trigger the user to receive location-based deals or information, such as coupons in a grocery store, notifying users of interesting sights nearby, or displaying their general whereabouts.

3. Every aspect must be focused on action:

Consequently, all these features must lead to one thing: action. The user should convert your notifications into a certain action, such as a purchase. As long as the user takes action after a message, your company has an added value to this customer.

4. Be ready to change:

The market for wearables has just been opened, which means that it’s still subject to a lot of change. Be ready to adapt to all these changes and to new demands of the public. If you don’t adapt at all or not quick enough, your wearable application will be forgotten and deleted. Make sure to involve your users through reviews and update your app regularly.

5. Not every product needs a separate wearable app:

During the rise of mobile applications on smartphones, bloggers stated a similar conclusion about the necessity of an app: don’t build an app if your company doesn’t need one. If you still want to utilize messaging for wearables, make sure to contact a publisher who can deliver push notifications to smartwatches on behalf of your company. Make sure to create a personalized and company unique messages instead of basic and irritating advertisements.

A new chapter in mobile technology is opened through the development of wearables. While product engineers must see this market as an opportunity to create a new product to boost revenues, marketers must see this new market as an additional way of advertising. Both with the underlying meaning of creating the ultimate user experience and maximizing a customer’s happiness.

Companies must seize these opportunities, but keep in mind that wearable development only adds value to users if every aspect is perfectly timed and balanced.

Originally posted by Oleksiy Kuryliak at LinkedIn.