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As a marketing strategy, Mobile Marketing Automation has divergent impacts in different situations. While the set of characteristics can vary per company, several core competencies must exist for a Mobile Marketing system to work. In this post, we will discuss the four most important components of Mobile Marketing Automation.

Data collection. Understanding user behavior

Mobile Marketing Automation systems should acquire and save information about users. This “data layer” helps to ensure that the Mobile Marketing Automation system is familiar to the users, so the system sends the relevant content to the right user at the appropriate time.

Make sure the data being captured is:


You should be able to stitch together a portrait of the customer you are collecting data from. This will allow you to send personalized and, therefore, valuable, messages.

Obtained in a real-time

Understanding the customer in real time ensures that no outdated or irrelevant messages will be sent.

Campaign building. Crafting smart messaging across platforms

It  will allow you to create and send messages. Marketers must be able to do this without the involvement of other business units, and Mobile Marketing Automation systems must be designed with this in mind from the start. Four elements a campaign should contain:

Multiple messages

Mobile Marketing Automation will not work with one single communication channel. Push notifications, in-app messages, web notifications, and email should all be utilized.

Transactional messages

These are messages triggered by external actions, like automatically sending a message to the user when a product they purchased has shipped.

Lifecycle messages

These will enable behavior-based rules that target users at crucial points during their engagement lifecycle. For example, users who have not opened the app in four days or more should be identified and have a message sent to them.

Conversion messages

Like lifecycle campaigns, conversion messages are time-based trigger campaigns. They enable the company to take advantage of the time-sensitivity of significant user actions. When a user displays signs that he will convert but ends up not converting, you must act swiftly. For example, if someone on an e-commerce site adds something to the cart but does not purchase within half an hour, automatically send them a message.

Automation: Running “Set it and forget it” campaigns

It is essential to keeping the messages you send relevant. Don’t just set a campaign and leave it to send messages by itself. For example, if a user has been dormant for two weeks, open up the communication again. Lifecycle campaigns are the foundation of all sophisticated mobile marketing strategies. Make sure your automation supports:

Dynamic user segmentation

Marketers must be able to target hyper-specific segments of users, so every customer receives unique and personalized content. These specific segments can be created without an engineering team and will automatically send relevant messages to the users in the segment.

In-message personalization

By creating a personalized campaign for each individual user, conversion and user experience will improve significantly.

Message rate limiting

Systems should not be over-messaging users. This will harm your brand, so throttle your message sending rate.

Optimization: Quantifying the effectiveness of your messaging

Keep in mind that the goal of Mobile Marketing Automation is to increase user engagement, which will lead to increased revenue. Your Mobile Marketing Automation system should provide accurate reports that demonstrate the effectiveness of every message sent and also adjust the content and timing of your marketing campaigns to optimize results. The system must support:

Intelligent testing and timing

Test multiple variations for each campaign. It will help identify the optimal time to send messages and thus generate the most value.

Report everything

Keep track of business goals to know the actual impact of your campaigns. Also, be sure to track uninstalls and give users an opt-out option for each campaign, so you know which messages will satisfy users and which will make them want to quit the app. Optimize messaging before anything significantly bad happens.


The Mobile Marketing Automation system should be intelligent. Adjusting message content and timing based on campaign performance are necessary, and eliminating “guesswork” and overly difficult tasks will generate optimal results.

Channel segmentation

Some users respond more to push notifications, and some users respond more to email. Make sure your system uses the message channel that each individual user prefers.

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